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Dawah: Inviting Others to Islam

Sep 23, 2024 - Jan 19, 2025

  • 119 Days
  • 2 Steps
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.


Everyone at some point will be asked about Islam especially those living in the West, but do we really know how to deliver the message and what to say? What about muslims? Can we actually give them dawah too? And how do we give dawah to atheists or agnostics? In this course you learn how to be a dayea (caller to Allah swt).

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From $40.00/month + $20.00 Registration Fee


Fiqh of Ramadan Seminar
Sheykha Aysha Waz Waz Classes

Fiqh of Ramadan Seminar

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