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Dawah: Calling others to Allah swt



Take on the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad saws and how to speak to others about Islam though our Dawah Training Course. Be a part of this great mission of spreading Islam to humanity.

About the Course

Dawah I: Introduction to Islamic Propagation

Course Description:

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of Dawah, the Islamic call to faith. Students will explore the historical and theological foundations of Dawah, as well as contemporary challenges and opportunities.The course emphasizes the development of essential skills for effective Dawah, including communication, intercultural understanding, and knowledge of Islamic teachings.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of Dawah within the Islamic framework.

  • Develop a strong foundation in Islamic knowledge for effective Dawah.

  • Learn effective communication and interpersonal skills for Dawah.

  • Explore various Dawah methodologies and strategies.

  • Cultivate a spirit of compassion, wisdom, and patience in Dawah work.

Topics Covered:

  • The concept and importance of Dawah in Islam

  • Historical overview of Dawah

  • The role of the Quran and Sunnah in Dawah

  • Understanding different audiences and their needs

  • Effective communication and presentation skills

  • Overcoming challenges and objections in Dawah

  • Dawah ethics and etiquette

Through lectures, discussions, role-playing, and practical exercises, students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in meaningful Dawah work.

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Islamic principles.

Your Instructor

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