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Fiqh of Worship II (Ibadaat)



Approx. 4 months

About the Course

From the familiar pillars of daily prayers to the transformative journey of Hajj, Fiqh of Worship II invites you to embark on a deeper exploration of Islamic rituals and practices. In this Islamic University course, you'll move beyond the basics, unraveling the rich fabric of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) governing your acts of worship, equipping you with knowledge and confidence to navigate everyday situations and exceptional experiences with clarity and purpose.

In this course, you'll:

  • Delve into the Details: Analyze intricate rulings and nuanced perspectives within Zakah (obligatory charity),Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage), gaining a comprehensive understanding of their complexities and applications.

  • Master Contemporary Challenges: Explore contemporary issues and debates surrounding Zakah calculations,exemptions from fasting, and ethical considerations in Hajj, honing your ability to apply Fiqh principles to modern contexts.

  • Uncover Hidden Gems: Discover the spiritual aspects and wisdom embedded within each act of worship,enriching your experience of Zakah, Sawm, and Hajj beyond mere ritualistic observance.

  • Connect with Authentic Sources: Engage directly with Quranic verses and Prophetic hadiths related to the covered topics, strengthening your foundation in the primary sources of Islamic law.

  • Bridge Theory and Practice: Learn practical skills for managing your Zakah obligations, optimizing your fasting experience, and preparing for a spiritually fulfilling Hajj, ensuring your knowledge translates into meaningful action.

This course is ideal for you if:

  • You yearn for a deeper understanding of the Fiqh behind your daily prayers, fasting, and other acts of worship and want to know the basics and details of congregational prayers and sunnah prayers, etc..

  • You seek to navigate contemporary challenges and ethical considerations related to Zakah, Sawm, and Hajj.

  • You desire to enrich your spiritual experience with knowledge and insights into the underlying wisdom of each ritual.

  • You aspire to contribute to informed discussions and debates surrounding Fiqh of Worship in your community.

Join us on this enriching journey and transform your acts of worship from routine practice to conscious and meaningful experiences. Equip yourself with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the nuances of Fiqh of Worship II, fulfilling your religious obligations with understanding and spiritual depth. Enroll today and embark on a path towards a more informed, purposeful, and spiritually enriching practice of Islam!

Your Instructor

Dr. Aysha Wazwaz

Dr. Aysha Wazwaz

* PhD in Islamic Studies from Jinan University

* M.A  from Alquds University/ Palestine, major in Contemporary Islamic Sciences. Presented  M.A thesis under the title of “The Portrayal of Islam and Muslims in the Neoconservatives Media in the USA”.

* B.A  in Islamic Jurisprudence, Alquds University/ Dawa and Fundamentals of Islam College- 2003. Main fiqh Shaikh/professor Dr. Husam Adin Afaneh.

* Graduated High school/MN, USA- 1998

* Studied rules of tajweed (i.e. rules of  Quranic recitation) at Dar Al-quran in Masjid al Aqsa 1999-2000,

* Studied different Islamic sciences at Dar Al-hadith in Masjid Alaqsa- 1995

* Schooling was in American and Arabic schools, which gifted me to mastering both English and Arabic languages.

Teaching Experiences:

* Currently teaching fiqh (i.e. Islamic Legislature) (Family Fiqh, Fiqh of Worship,  Islam for teenagers , Introduction to Islamic Legislature, Morals and Behaviors in Islam, Tajweed (science of Quranic recitation)… and other Islamic sciences in both Arabic and English languages at the Islamic University of Minnesota  since 2007- until the time of today (2007-2010)

* Arabic as a second language for non Arabic speakers held in Masjid Alhuda/MN

* Lectured at the Swedish Theological Institute in Jerusalem/ Palestine. Subjects covered: Women in Islam, Polygamy in Islam, Hijab in Islam, Ramadan and Islam.

* Held women’s halaqas and lectures. Subjects covered: Women’s fiqh, Arabic language, Quran tajweed and tafseer.

* Women’s weekly halaqa’s in Masjid Alaqsa/ Palestine

* Lectured at Noon Center in RamAllah/ Palestine, presented a paper on “Islam in the American Media and its Effects on the Ummah”.

* Lectures for teenagers concerns in Al-Eman Schools/ Jerusalem/ Palestine, and U.S.A

*  Courses in ways of using internet for speaking about Islam, held at  Dawa College/ Alquds Uni.

* Courses in referencing and library use for shari’a students

* Lectured at Science and Technology College/ Alquds Uni. Topics presented Muslim women and the ummah.

* Lectures on women’s fiqh and Tafseer Surah Alnur (in Arabic and English)  at Masjid Alhuda/ Minneapolis, Minnesota.

* Lectures covering issues that concern teenagers and women’s concerns at Masjid dar Alfarooq/ Minneapolis, Minnesota.

* Lectures about Islam at North Hennepin community College

* Lecture about Ramdan at Century College/ Minnesota.

* Several lectures at Normandale Community College/ Bloomington/MN

* Lectures in Augsburg College/ MN. Topics were: Women in Islam, Muslims Stereotyped and other open dialogue about Islam.

* Lectures at the University of Minnesota, invited by MSA, topic: Women In Islam (2009), Marriage in Islam (2012)

* Lecture in St. Paul College about “Spirituality in Islam” (2012)

* Online Halaqas, subjectes covered: Purification and Women, How to be Steadfast During Hardships,  How to Live as Muslims in the West?, Teenagers and Islam in America.

Participated in several conferences
·        “Islam in Contemporary Palestine”, under the auspice of PASSIA/ Jerusalem. Presented a research on “The Portrayal of Islam in the American Media, and the Palestinian Issue”, published by PASSIA.
·        Live discussion between Palestine and Washington about Islam, Religions, and the Palestinian Issue, held by the American Consulate in Jerusalem.

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