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Tafsir II



An in-depth Study through Tasfir (Meanings/Understanding) of the Quran

About the Course

Tafsir II

Course Description:

Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired in Tafsir I, this course delves deeper into the complexities of Quranic exegesis. Students will engage in advanced study of specific Quranic themes, exploring various interpretive approaches and their implications. The course emphasizes critical thinking, research, and the application of tafsir knowledge to contemporary issues.

Course Objectives:

  • Master advanced Arabic language skills for in-depth Quranic analysis.

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of different tafsir methodologies and their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Analyze complex Quranic themes and their relevance to contemporary challenges.

  • Conduct independent research on specific Quranic passages.

  • Enhance skills in Quranic recitation and tajwid.

Topics Covered:

  • Advanced Arabic grammar and syntax for Quranic studies.

  • Comparative study of classical and contemporary tafsir.

  • In-depth analysis of selected Quranic suras and themes (e.g., aqidah, ibadah, mu'amalat, akhlaq).

  • Quranic hermeneutics and the challenges of interpretation.

  • The Quran and contemporary issues (e.g., ethics, social justice, science).

  • Quranic exegesis and Islamic jurisprudence.

Through rigorous textual analysis, discussions, and research, students will develop a sophisticated understanding of the Quran's multifaceted messages and their enduring relevance.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Tafsir I or equivalent.

Your Instructor

Samya Harb

Samya Harb

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