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Dr Mona Rifaat

Quranic Sciences/Tafseer Instructor

  • Education: Holds a PhD in Islamic Shariah from Cairo University, Egypt (2012).

Thesis: "At Tabarani and his Method of Interpretation of the Holy Quran"

  • Masters in Usool Al Deen from An Najah National University, Nablus Palestine. (2003). Thesis: "The Stages of Human Creation According to the Verses of the Holy Quran."

  • B.A. in Dawah and Usool Al Deen from Al Quds University (1997).

  • Ijaza in Tajweed (Hafs from Asim Narraration).

  • Dar Al Sheikh Al Hosary for the Holy Quran Service; Egypt (2012)

2020-22 Head of the Cultural Studies Department (2020-22)

Head of Islamic Studies Department Madinah Branch and Assistant Professor of Islamic Shariah, Taiba Univesity (Madinah) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Head of the Islamic Studies Department for both english and arabic sections and Islamic Studies Teacher for english speaking Palestinian Americans.

An-Najah Secondary Girls School/ Al Bireh-Ramallah Palestine (1997-2003)


Dr Mona Rifaat
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