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Can I touch the Quran when I have my Period? By Dr. Aysha Wazwaz

Writer's picture: Dr. Aysha WazwazDr. Aysha Wazwaz

Updated: Oct 20, 2024


Assalamu Alaikum, One Imam taught a class for new Muslims a few years back and said that words of Allah that are the Holy Quran, not the actual paper and covers of the physical book. If we treat the physical book as if it is God then that is a form of shirk…is this correct? He mention how people freak out if the physical book is left on the floor or women thinking they can’t hold it when they have their periods. In addition, a sister (whom I know to have MUCH knowlege in our religion…may Allah preserve her) told me that a woman who is learning the religion is permitted to read Quran even when she is mensturating. Aren’t we all ALWAYS learning?I think it’s very unfortunate that there are so many loose and unauthentic interpretations, this is what causes much of the problems in our Ummah. Thank you sister for always doing your best to help clarify things.



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Asalam alykum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh


What that “imam” said about the Quran and that “over respecting” the Quran is wrong or even shirk is not true, for the following evidences from Quran and Sunnah:


Allah Almighty said (56:76-80):

 “إِنَّهُ لَقُرْآنٌ كَرِيمٌ {الواقعة/77} فِي كِتَابٍ مَّكْنُونٍ {الواقعة/78} لَّا يَمَسُّهُ إِلَّا الْمُطَهَّرُونَ {الواقعة/79} تَنزِيلٌ مِّن رَّبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ {الواقعة/80}

76. and Verily, that is indeed a great oath, if You but know.

77. that (this) is indeed an honourable recital (the Noble Qur’ân).

78. In a Book well-guarded

79. which (that Book of Allâh) none can touch but the purified.

80. a Revelation (this Qur’ân) from the Lord of the ‘Alamîn (mankind, jinns and All that exists).


Many scholars have said that the book that is mentioned not to be touched unless purified is referring to the Quran.

 The prophet peace be upon him had said: “No one shall touch the mus’haf (i.e. The book that the Quran is written in) unless they are purified”. (Narrated by Alnasiee in an authentic hadith as Alalbanee said in Alsilsilah Asahiha) another hadith says: “No one shall touch the Quran unless they are purified”. (Narrated by Malik no. 468, Ibn Hibban 793, Albayhaqee 871) Ibn Hajar, one of the most important scholars of hadith and author of Fat’h Albaree in explanation of Sahih Albukhari had said: “ A number of scholars had said that this hadith was authentic not because of it’s narration but because of its popularity”, he further quotes other scholars that said that its so famous amongst Muslims to the point that they did not need to check its narration. (See Talkhess Alhabeer 4/17)


Not touching the Quran while lacking major purity (such as janaba from intercourse) is something pretty much agreed upon between scholars as Ibn Taymiya stated.

To get to your question, when the hadith speaks of not touching the Quran unless being in a state of purity, that tells us that even the book that holds the Quran is considered Quran. That hadith is talking about a materialistic thing that we hold, that is the Quran. Therefore, the book that the Quran is written in is considered a Quran. And if we as Muslims are ordered to be in a state of purity to read and even hold the Quran. Certainly throwing it or not respecting it is even a bigger sin.

Scholars had no different opinions on the obligation of respecting the Quran. Annawawi said: “scholars had unanimously agreed that we are obligated to respect and maintain the Mushaf (copies of the Quran) (Almajmoo’ 2/85).

Yet, we shouldn’t exaggerate certain actions when it comes to the Quran such as not sleeping in a room that has the Quran, in order to respect it. This action was not done by the prophet or his companions.

As for putting the Quran on the floor not for the sake of disrespecting it, but for another reason, such as your hands getting tired is permissible. Yet, beware of disrespecting the Quran, whether that was by throwing it, or allowing the children to play and color on it, or using it as a board to write on…


As for you second question about

 menstruating women and reading Quran:


The opinion that you mentioned, i.e. menstruating woman may read the Quran during their period if they are learning is the opinion of some scholars like Imam Malik and Sa’eed Ibn Almusayib.


 As for the preponderant ruling, woman whether learning or for sake of worship may read the Quran orally or by heart which is the opinion of some scholars as Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad and the chosen opinion by Ibn Taymiya, for the following reasons:

1)    There is not an authentic hadith that prevents women from reading the Quran during their menstruation. And it is known that in worship you must have evidence from Quran or Sunnah to prove the impermissibility of reading the Quran. As for the hadith narrated by Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with him said that the prophet peace be upon him said: “a menstruating women and a person in a state of janaba (i.e. after having intercourse and before making the complete shower) are not to read anything from the Quran”. Narrated by Tirmithee (hadith no. 131, Ibn Majah hadith no. 595, Albayhaqee vol. 1 page 89. Having this “hadith” in hadith books does not necessarily mean it’s authentic. Hadith scholars have exposed the weakness of this “hadith” due to a narrator in the chain of narration named: Isma’eel Ibn Ayyash whose narration is not accepted in this hadith as mentioned by Ibn Hajar in Talkhees Alhabeer (1/183), Al Albanee in his book Irwa’ Alghaleel (1/207), Ibn Taymiya in his Fatawas (21/460). Ibn Othaimeen stated: “there aren’t any authentic direct evidences that prevent menstruating women from reading the Quran” (Asharh Almumti’ 1/291-92).

2)    It is known that women, whether the wives of the prophet peace be upon him or other wives were menstruating during the time of the prophet. Yet, there is not one authentic hadith that forbids menstruating women from reading the Quran. If women were prevented we would have at least had one narration mentioned by the prophet peace be upon him. Furthermore, when Sayida Aysha was with the prophet peace be upon him during hajj, when she had menstruated and started crying the prophet peace be upon him said: “Do as a hajj (person performing pilgrimage) does, but do not making tawaf (rotation around the kaba). It is known that the actions of a hajj include reading the Quran. (see Sahih Muslim no. 119, and Bukhari no. 1567), no sign in this or other hadiths that the prophet had prevented her from reading the Quran.

3)    Allah Almighty had ordered every Muslim to recite from the Quran, and promised great rewards for that, excluding anyone from that requires strong evidence.

4)    Some scholars have considered menstruating women similar to the status of janaba (state of impurity after intercourse and before the complete shower). This comparison lacks many categories: 1) a person in a state of janaba does not stay for long times as the period for a woman which stay in that state for a few days.


As for touching or holding and reciting the Quran while being in a state of impurity, whether without wadu, or menstruating or in a state of janaba, most scholars do not permit such touching unless one is in complete purity with wadu, non menstruating…etc. The reason for this is that:

Some Scholars have considered the following verse (56:76-80) referring to touching the Quran: “

إِنَّهُ لَقُرْآنٌ كَرِيمٌ {الواقعة/77} فِي كِتَابٍ مَّكْنُونٍ {الواقعة/78} لَّا يَمَسُّهُ إِلَّا الْمُطَهَّرُونَ {الواقعة/79} تَنزِيلٌ مِّن رَّبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ {الواقعة/80} 

76. and Verily, that is indeed a great oath, if You but know.

77. that (this) is indeed an honourable recital (the Noble Qur’ân).

78. In a Book well-guarded

79. which (that Book of Allâh) none can touch but the purified.

80. a Revelation (this Qur’ân) from the Lord of the ‘Alamîn (mankind, jinns and All that exists).”


These scholars have also depended on the hadith: “No one in a state of impurity shall touch the Quran”


Yet, other scholars such as Almuzanee, Ibn Dawood and Ibn Hazm from Althahiri school have said that menstruating women are allowed to touch the Quran for the following strong evidences:

–         Abu Haraira narrated that the prophet peace be upon him had said: “A believer does not get impure” narrated by Bukhari and Muslim (which tells us that this hadith is authentic. In Sahih Bukhari (which collected authentic hadiths narrated the hadith with the following quote: “A Muslim does not get impure”. As for the verse that I had mentioned, they considered it referring to the angels and the book is “Allawh Almahfooz”.  


The preponderant ruling is menstruating women may read the Quran not just for learning but for worship as well. Since there is no authentic evidence that prevents them.  She may also hold, touch the Quran even when she is menstruating. But to stay on the safe side, and staying away from the different opinions she may use gloves to hold it. But again there is no strong evidence that prevents menstruating women from holding or touching the Quran. Allah A’lam.


I would like to add another question here: what is the ruling on menstruating women entering the masjid?
The answer is menstruating women may enter the masjid since there is also no strong evidence that prevents them from doing so.

As for the hadith “I do not permit the masjid to a person in state of janaba (after intercourse before showering) or a menstruating woman) is not an authentic hadith as mentioned by Alkhattabee, Albayhaqee, Annawawi, Al Albanee, in fact Ibn Hazm considered this hadith as completely unacceptable in terms of authenticity in the science of hadith and not his own personal opinion see Almuhalla (1/401), Irwa Alghaleel 1/162. Furthermore, scholars have considered that non Muslims are permitted to enter the masjid, whether male or female no matter what purity state they were in.


Allahu A’lam.

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